
Alright Enes Kanter, Shut The Fuck Up

enes kanter

Enes Kanter has been on an anti-China, ‘free tibet’, press tour for likes, retweets and photo-ops. His anti-Chinese rhetoric has led to the Boston Celtics games being banned over there which is honestly the best thing he could’ve ever done for the Chinese citizens.

Kanter went on CNN to talk more about how he’s the main character and hero of the NBA:

Kanter told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in an exclusive interview that despite speaking out on issues such as Black Lives Matter, the NBA has stayed silent on China — highlighting its struggle in balancing player activism with the lucrative Chinese market.

“NBA made me do this,” Kanter said. “Because every time when one of the NBA teams or the commissioner comes out to speak, they say we are encouraging players to talk about whatever they want to talk about.

I’m half kidding when I mock Kanter’s motivations for randomly becoming this ‘human rights’ advocate. It’s very possible he truly believes he’s making a difference and saving lives. That’s dope. Fight on, or whatever.

But once you start getting into lazy right-wing comparisons and finger wagging at the NBA for their support of black lives matter in relation to their silence on China then you’ve lost me.

The NBA is 74% black. There are daily attacks on black people destroying neighborhoods and households throughout the United States so it makes sense that a league full of players directly affected by these slayings would use the platform provided to them by the NBA to talk about these issues.

When you start talking about the Chinese genocide of the Muslim Uyghur community as a reaction to black lives matters protest then you instantly come off as incredibly disingenuous. All these conservatives that hate LeBron James for being silent about China’s government don’t all care about Uyghurs. These people don’t even give a shit about Muslims in America. They simply want to stop talking about racism because it makes them uncomfortable.

Let’s not be naive kindergarteners about what’s occurring here. Conservatives don’t care about any of the people being oppressed in China. It is politically advantageous for Republican congressmen to bash China and feed their conservative constituents the baby food they love to smear all over their faces.

Donald Trump condemned China’s treatment of Uyghurs while simultaneously establishing a Muslim ban and keeping migrants at the border in the simular camps that he was condemning China for putting the Uyghurs in.

For anyone reading this thinking ‘why does the NBA only talk about black lives matter but never about China?’, please realize that even you yourself are not actually talking about the issues facing the people of China.

Let’s be very clear, China has passed laws specifically targeting Muslims. Muslim birth rates have dropped over the years. There have been leaked documents giving instructions to maintain the secrecy of these internment centers and have to keep them from escaping. There is a legit problem happening to the people of Xinjiang.


If someone were to go on CNFuckingN with the intention of helping the people of China, you’d think they would go into specific facts regarding the atrocities taking place there as opposed to merely saying ‘The NBA should care like they care about the blacks’ but nope, Enes Kanter doesn’t actually care. He just likes feeling as if he’s raging against some machine and getting applause for it.

Please shut the fuck up, Enes. Epstein isn’t alive to reward you with a weekend on his island. Just get offensive rebounds and listen to Marcus Smart shout at you in the locker room.





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