
We Have a Charlotte Problem

charlotte flair

Being a professional wrestling star means you get to be an absolute asshole backstage. It’s your reward for the years on the road wrestling at some bar for $5. You’ve earned your top spot and you are going to wield your power. Understandable.

But apparently, Charlotte Flair has been flexing her weight for years now and most recently, decided to publicly display her disgust live on Smackdown during an inexplicable ‘title swap’ between her and Becky Lynch in which they had to give each other their titles because of the recent ‘draft’.

Charlotte Flair, the Raw Women’s Champion moved to Smackdown and Becky Lynch, the Smackdown Women’s Champion, moved to Raw. So the genius decision makers thought it made the most sense to have these two women go to the ring and awkwardly exchange the belts for no fucking reason at all.

Here’s the segment that went horribly wrong:

As you can see, Charlotte is over this entire segment as she throws the title on the ground. The other two women in the ring clearly look surprised by that move and credit to both of them for staying in character when they could’ve blown this shit all the way up.

This is a very stupid idea to do on live TV. You either 1.) Unify the belts because having a ‘Raw’ and ‘Smackdown’ title is dumb as hell. There aren’t enough women competing for two belts so just make one major one and maybe a secondary one later down the road. Or 2.) One of these women should’ve lost the belt before switching shows because duh.

And although this was a dumb idea, there’s some important context that needs to be added in order to understand how we got to the point where Charlotte Flair is just spiking championships to the ground.

You can start with Charlotte Flair hating Becky. These two women came up together and forced the WWE to talk women’s wrestling seriously. They are currently two of the biggest stars in the company.

And apparently, they do not fuck with each other after Becky cut a promo on Charlotte calling her ‘plastic’. I can imagine that rubs Charlotte the wrong way because she obviously cares about her physical appearance. Like, she looks like she only eats lettuce and ice. But she’s also had chest troubles that have caused her to miss significant time after botched cosmetic surgeries that she’d probably prefer her ‘friend’ not draw attention to.

Reason 1 of why you don’t make her hand her title to Becky.

It’s also no secret that her fiance was fired from WWE and is now thriving over at AEW, a company that appears to give their talent far more freedom than WWE does. There are plenty of rumors that Charlotte is intentionally being a dick in hopes of being relieved of her contract so she can join her husband in AEW.

I personally don’t really believe that. How many married couples work together? It’s not a requirement of marriage. Yes, it would be dope especially since they have the same profession and find themselves on the road often but you don’t tank your career for a boy.

You also can’t ignore that her father is in the midst of being erased from wrestling history after a documentary was released detailing his sexual assault of a woman. (Fuck Ric Flair).

As easy as it may be to declare Charlotte a diva or hard to work with, there are things happening in her life that may lead to her looking around WWE and realizing she lost her dad, her husband, her friend Becky and just wants some level of control.

I know WWE feels like they need to put the championship on her in order to sell tickets or whatever but now is the time to give this woman some time off. Let her get her shit together before she takes this no fucks attitude into a match and accidentally hurts a woman.

Oh, OR she’s just a Tessa Blanchard level spoiled brat who grew up in a rich successful wrestling family and feels entitled to anything she wants.


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