
Tony Dungy is Pro-Father, Whatever The Fuck That Means

tony dungy

Ron DeSantis is the Republican governor of Florida who is dead set on becoming the next Donald Trump but with none of the funny quotes and all of the ignorant racism. Recently, he passed the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill to ruin the lives of young children and now he’s attempting to fix families with a new law to promote fatherhood or some shit and former NFL head coach, Tony Dungy, was right by his side to pass the law for some reason.

On its surface, you could easily be fooled into thinking this is a rare W for DeSantis as yes, of course it makes sense to invest in the youth and create mentorship programs for those who lack it in their homes. Sure.

Buuuut then you read what Tony Dungy had to say about children’s lack of fathers and you remember all of these people are wasted jizz.

Conservatives are under the impression there are no outside forces negatively affecting anyone’s life and anyone can do anything if they simply work hard enough. But that’s not how life works. We are all the direct result of every single person we’ve interacted with and every place we’ve been.

Tony Dungy went on stage and said young men end up in prison because they don’t have dads. He even added a bullshit stat of 95% of these kids don’t have dads which is just an impossible statistic. Not due to the socio-economic conditions they grow up under or the terrible schools they go to or their race.

Nope. You don’t have a dad? Off to jail.

This bill isn’t to help keep kids out of prison or save the nuclear family or whatever. If that was truly their intent then they would address the root of the problem isn’t of throwing a bandaid on it.

You want to keep kids out of prison? Give their schools more funding with new textbooks, music and art supplies, teachers making salaries that make them want to give a shit and free lunch so kids from lower incomes families don’t have to starve all day long.

You want to keep kids out of prison? Change police mandates so they aren’t rewarded for lurking and targeting lower-income neighborhoods and arresting their dads—that you care so much about—for nonsense slap on the wrist offenses.

There are so many ways you can actually ensure more children grow up with fathers instead of this extremely disingenuous and dogwhistling belief that fathers are just up and leaving their families for no reason.

Tony Dungy is only attaching himself to this because he and DeSantis both hate gay people.

Really wish Peyton Manning wasn’t drafted by the Indianapolis Colts so we wouldn’t have to pretend as if Tony Dungy is one of the greatest coaches ever when he was only some guy who got extremely lucky to have a quarterback that masked all of his flaws.


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