
The Other Hobbies Sports Fans Should Try Getting Into

Why do you like sports? If it’s because you have a team you support and you love the spirit of pure competition, there are few places that are as easy to find that. However, if you love human drama as told by the excellence of peak physical capability, there may be other interests that you should try taking a closer look at. Here, we’re going to look at four other hobbies that your sports fandom might actually equip you well for.

Sports movies

Sticking with something that’s a little close to the wheelhouse for most of us. The drama of sports is fascinating but often shrouded in mystery, hearsay, untrustworthy tell-alls, and interviews brought out of the mists of time bit by bit. It can be a little hard to follow at the time, which is why you might love some of the sports movies that go back and knock the dust off the book cover to tell some of the most compelling stories about some of the greatest athletes out there, such as Jake LaMotta.



It might raise some eyebrows from the more “traditional” sports fans out there, but if you’re really into the excellence of human athleticism, then you’re going to see few acts more impressive than dance. Dance theater, in particular, combines it with storytelling to make some pretty spellbinding shows, such as those by the likes of Shen Yun. No one could deny that there are very few people who could physically pull off the kind of displays of pure agility and coordination seen from Shen Yun and his troupe.



First of all, let’s get the usual nonsense comment out of the way: no, wrestling isn’t “real” in terms of being a legitimate competition between two athletes. But you would be hard-pressed to find anyone beyond the absolute youngest fans who would believe. What it is, much like dance, is theater in an extremely physical form. What is real is the toll that these performers take on their bodies to sell a story, and the career ups and downs of such amazing figures like Cody Rhodes can make it fascinating to follow behind the scenes, as well.



It might sound like the further thing away from sports in the world but the deeper you get into sports, the more encyclopedic your knowledge tends to grow. If you’re part of a sporting friend group, you probably have the stats nerd, the title history nerd, the team history nerd, and more. Rather than just showing it off to one another, why not use it to compete?. There are plenty of sports quizzes that you and your friends could get involved in, giving you another use of all that knowledge that, let’s be real, probably doesn’t get used anywhere near enough in your day-to-day life.


There are definitely sports fans who are going to turn their nose up at the hobbies above but if you really are half as passionate as most, then you have plenty of passion to get into something else, as well.

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