
No One Loves Crying More Than Derek Carr

derek carr

After 9 unremarkable years in Oakland, the Raiders chose to bench Derek Carr for the final two games of the 2022 season.

Upset by the benching, Carr left for New Orleans signing a 4-year $150 million deal with the Saints.

In an interview with the Fresno Bee, Derek Carr expressed his anger towards the Raiders and I can only imagine there were tears streaming down his face while he was speaking:

“I was, for lack of a better term, I was very upset; I was mad,” Carr said, via the Fresno Bee. “You spend nine years in a place, you have all the records and you can play at a high level and for something to get in the way, whether it was whatever reason, money related or whatever, injury related, I would have said I don’t even want the money, just to play two more times in front of our fans. I didn’t get that opportunity. So, it definitely lit a fire inside me to keep going.”

“Once they made my wife cry, that was pretty much over,” Carr said. “Once they made her cry, that was out. But the love for my teammates is what probably would have made me do it. But the way it worked out and the timing of things, I was just … it was time for me to move on. But who knows? You never know what will happen.”

It’s important to point out that the Raiders were 6-9 when they benched Derek Carr.

This had nothing to do with money or whatever Carr or his agent has convinced him of. I

n 9 years, Carr has a 63-79 win-loss record.

How long did he think he was going to be allowed to suck?

Love Derek Carr saying the Raiders made his wife cry so he’s not going back even though if he came back begging, I don’t think the Raiders would ever sign him again.

Sure, he has all the records but he played there for the last decade during the boom of passing offenses.

Of course he has records.

In 9 years, Derek Carr played in ONE postseason game.

They lost to the Cincinnati Bengals in 2021.

He threw an interception and lost a fumble.

And he doesn’t understand why the Raiders benched him.

There’s no way Derek Carr’s wife was crying and he wasn’t.

I’ve seen Carr cry too many times to believe he wasn’t leading the weep sesh.

I mean, he literally cried when the season ended.

We saw it happen..

His wife probably cried when she saw his lame ass up there sobbing as if his legendary Raiders career was stolen from him by some life-altering injury when in reality, he coasted at work for two presidential terms and a brand new front office looked around and realized Carr wasn’t doing shit and taking home fat checks every week.

I’ll never forget a few years back when Derek Carr got sacked and very visibly cried on the field.

If there’s one thing you can guarantee Derek Carr will do, it’s cry.

It’s important for me to point out there’s absolutely nothing wrong with crying.

I cry at the end of almost every single movie I watch.

No one loses masculinity points or whatever from showing emotion.

It’s just, ya know, interesting how frequently this man’s tears are shown in front of all of us all time.

But now he and his wife can cry together in New Orleans.

Especially when they find out they signed a lemon and are forced to unleash Jameis Winston again.






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