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Kyrie Irving, Kanye West and the Illusion of Being a ‘Free Thinker’

kyrie irving

It sucks that in 2022 I have to sit down and write an article to explain that it’s bad to blame Jewish people for everything but Kyrie Irving and Kanye West have flooded the news cycle with antisemitic bullshit under the guise of black empowerment so here we are fighting Nazis again.

Kyrie Irving has been on his weirdo ‘free-thinking’ nonsense for a while now. He only played 29 games for the Nets last season because he refused to get the Covid vaccine and New York State had a mandate requiring local employees to be vaxxed up in order to slow the spread of a virus that killed over a million Americans.

It’s understandable why black people are distrusting of vaccine mandates. America has a history of medical racism from the  Tuskegee experiments to present-day medical malpractice leading to exponentially more black women dying in childbirth than their white counterparts.

And it’s cool to be skeptical. Get all the information and see all the effects before putting anything in your body. Duh. But by the time the vaccine mandate hit New York, the vaccine had already been out for over a year and there were absolutely no signs of foul play.

In fact, the vaccine was given to the rich and powerful (and white) FIRST. You also have to understand the priorities of the people in power. They are solely motivated by capital so if there’s a virus that is slaughtering their workforce then they need a vaccine that will keep employees on the factory lines. They need us alive making them richer. You don’t need to deep dive into conspiracies to clearly see what was happening.

But Kyrie insists on sharing dumb conspiracies including a clip of Alex Jones he shared on his Instagram about a new world order. By the way, the only New World Order we acknowledge here at Deadseriousness is run by Kevin Nash and Scott Hall (rip).

The same Alex Jones who has been proven wrong time and time again. He’s so fucking wrong that he has to pay the families of Sandy Hook victims almost $1 BILLION for his nonstop harassment.

But Kyrie is a ‘free thinker’, you see? He knows so much more than the rest of us. He (and Alex Jones apparently) know the truth about what’s really going on in the world.

This brings us to the latest dumb shit Kyrie posted about a book/movie called Hebrews to Negroes which is stuffed with antisemitic garbage under the guise of black empowerment.

Here’s an example of some of the wonderful knowledge being shared in this ‘documentary’:

So Kyrie watched a doc with fake Hitler quotes and was like ‘damn, Adolf is really telling it like it is’. That’s what being a free thinker is—believing Hitler—the man who famously thought everyone should have blonde hair and blue eyes was secretly pro-black and saving the world from the Jews.


Kyrie was then called out for promoting this shit by a Brooklyn Nets reporter in one of the most annoying press conferences I’ve ever watched. At one point, Kyrie declares himself as influential in the community before moments later laughing at the idea that he has any influence on anyone.

When someone actually challenges the insanity he’s pushing, he crawls into his shell and acts as if he’s some regular guy and not an NBA superstar whose entire identity is wrapped around how special and smart he believes he is.

These people don’t actually know what the fuck they’re talking about which is why they shrink whenever they’re forced to elaborate.

I don’t want to talk about Kayne West at all because I don’t think he truly believes in anything but it’s impossible to not include him in this article.

He and Kyrie are the same type of people. They are both gifted black men who have been told they are special and different their whole lives so they have convinced themselves that every thought and opinion they have is unique and interesting without ever having to be challenged or truly think about the logic of their understanding of the world.

I suppose what frustrates me the most about their toxic and idiotic over-confident anti-Semitic trash is that they have legions of black fans who will dive headfirst down that wormhole with them.

Black empowerment is important in a country that goes out of its way to keep minorities in poverty through over-policing and redlining but the path to equality need not involve literally QUOTING (fake) HITLER.

We were taken from our home countries and were never given the opportunity to truly trace our roots and ancestry so I understand why guys like Kyrie Irving and Kanye West would want to believe black people are the original Jews and blah blah but if that only comes with the same lazy anti-Semitic tropes and stereotypes that led to the death of 6 million Jews then what is even the point? You can feel black pride without simultaneously shitting on Jews.

But it’s even more frustrating when these two men open their mouths and you realize they have done the least amount of research possible and can’t actually articulate what the fuck they’re talking about.

These are two narcissists who think all of their ideas are precious and brilliant and if you don’t like the very surface-level bullshit they say then well, you ‘don’t get it’ because you aren’t a genius like they are.

It sucks witnessing young black men perceive Kyrie Irving and Kanye West to be their ‘thought leaders’ when they’re peddling antisemitic, white supremacist propaganda which is inherently detrimental to the communities they’re attempting to elevate.

Sometimes, certain people should truly shut up and dribble.

How does this affect the Brooklyn Nets?

I feel like I should talk a littleeee basketball here. The Brooklyn Nets currently have 2 wins this season. Sick.

Kevin Durant demanded a trade. Then he demanded the head coach and GM get fired. Then he showed up to work as if none of that ever happened. This team doesn’t stand a chance.

When your best player doesn’t want to come to work, your second-best player is scrolling through Mein Kampf at halftime and your third-best player is afraid to shoot—you’re fucked.

As a Knicks fan, my email is open to any and all of the people who were mocking the Knicks for not signing Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving. The Knicks are by no means one of the best teams in the NBA but they don’t have anyone on the roster subscribed to Alex Jones and that’s a W.




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