
Fuck Mike Clevinger

mike clevinger

This should be an article breaking down what the Chicago White Sox will look like after signing Mike Clevinger earlier in the offseason but instead, I have to write about Clevinger being a sociopath who is currently being investigated for physically and emotionally abusing his girlfriend and their 10-month old daughter.

Here’s what 24-year-old Olivia Finestead says Clevinger did to her:

Finestead has been in touch with MLB investigators since last summer, when Clevinger was a member of the San Diego Padres, according to The Athletic, but mentioned her accusations in a series of stories on her Instagram account Tuesday. In them, she accused Clevinger of “several acts of domestic violence and child abuse,” including throwing “chew spit on a screaming infant child” and strangling her. The latter accusation was posted with a series of photos that alleged to be the result of violent acts committed by Clevinger, a 32-year-old who has been in the major leagues for seven years.

mike clevinger

Mike Clevinger has 3 children from 3 different mothers and according to Olivia, he is abusive to all of them. All the children and all the mothers are victims of this asshole’s fits of rage.

Shout out to this woman for putting her name and face on this knowing that she is going to be attacked by legions of Andrew Tate fans that will call her a liar for no reason other than the fact that she’s a woman.

Even Clevinger’s lawyers are riding the wave of the Johnny Depp case and are attempting to muddy the waters and claim that she is the one who is abusive.

“He has never harmed Ms. Finestead or his daughter,” attorney Jay Reisinger said. “We will not comment on Ms. Finestead’s motive for bringing these false allegations. Her baseless threats and accusations over the last few months have regrettably escalated, culminating most recently in deeply disturbing threats toward Mike and Mike’s family. Her threats and her pattern of abusive behavior are well documented. The simple truth is that Mike has done nothing wrong. He is a loving and caring father. We have advised Mike not to comment on this matter.”

She ‘threatened’ him. Ok. You know what those threats probably were? She probably threatened to just tell her followers on Instagram that he’s abusive. Round of applause to her for following through on her threats.

There’s one final piece of this that I always find interesting. According to the Athletic, the San Diego Padres knew about this story last summer and did NOTHING about it.

His only punishment was not being re-signed and getting only a 1-year deal from the White Sox who probably also knew he beats his wife and children so they didn’t want to commit long-term. They still didn’t care enough to not sign him at all. Just one year and $12 million dollars to the domestic abuser.

I’ve said it once and I will never stop saying it: being a professional athlete is a privilege. No one deserves to make millions playing a child’s game. If you put your hands on the most vulnerable people in your life then you can no longer gain generational wealth to throw a fucking ball.

Fuck Mike Clevinger.





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