
College Basketball Needs More Unhinged Sore Losers Like Dan Hurley

Dan Hurley is the last of a dying breed. He’s a throwback to the golden era of college basketball when coaches were sociopaths.

dan hurley

I’ve fallen out of love with college basketball.

Well, let me specify men’s college basketball.

Shout out to my ladies though. They actually know how to dribble, pass and shoot.

Men’s basketball is 8 raw athletes who can touch the top of the backboard—by either simply jumping to touch the top or with their horrendous 3-point attempts—and 2 white guys who love taking charges.

Some blame the one-and-done rule that forces players to attend one year of college before they are NBA draft eligible or big NIL sponsorships—turning these ballers into mercenaries for hire—as opposed to playing for school spirit or whatever

Personally, I think we lost sociopaths.

Everyone has become so professional now.

We get it, the cameras are on 24/7 and any negative attention could cost millions of potential earnings. Blah blah.

Look at Rick Pitino:

dan hurley

This breaks my heart.

The Rick Pitino I grew up with would’ve ended this game in a neck brace from motorboating the woman behind him too hard.

At the very least, he would’ve exchanged numbers with the woman, later calling to see if she was willing to come to the Ramada and meet an indecisive 5-star high school recruit.

What happened to the game I love?

Thankfully, we still have Dan Hurley throwing temper tantrums after losing 77-75 to Florida in the second round of this year’s March Madness tournament.

Here he is leaving the floor, warning the next team, Baylor, to avoid being fucked by the refs like he just was:

He would continue crying and complaining in the post-game press conference.

Thank you, Dan Hurley.

This is college basketball.

Head coaches suffering from god complexes, preventing them from ever believing their team lost simply because the other team played better.

No, there must be a deep-state conspiracy to keep Dan Hurley out of the Sweet 16.

The referees are working with The Clintons and/or Ghislaine Maxwell to halt Hurley’s birthright.

Sure, the Huskies shot 27% from 3 but I’m not so convinced an FBI agent wasn’t in the nosebleeds shining lasers at UConn players during shot attempts.

Dan Hurley is the last of a dying breed. He is singlehandedly keeping this sport alive.

Look at him screaming at opposing fans, taunting them with his championship rings.

Coach Hurley is so psychotic, he doesn’t even realize he’s bald too.

OH, here he is shouting “Don’t turn your back on me. I’m the best coach in the fucking sport.” at a random ref.

Coaches used to throw chairs and scream in their players’ faces but now suddenly it’s soooo baaaaad to physically and emotionally abuse teenagers. Babies.

I don’t recommend anyone send their kids to play for Coach Hurley. Can’t imagine how many of his players go home for the holidays with black eyes, having to lie about running into doorknobs as Dan Hurley is blowing up their phones, writing in all caps “YOU BETTER NOT TELL THEM I HIT YOU OR YOURE DEAD“.

Dan Hurley will most likely be in jail by the end of the decade.

At the very least, he’ll be forced to resign after reports come out that he made a kid run suicides until he literally committed suicide—or he follows a referee home after a game and gets into a bare-knuckle brawl on their front lawn.

But until the shit inevitably hits the fan, let us all enjoy the last of the maniacs.

God put Dan Hurley on this Earth to coach college basketball.

I’m just writing that previous statement in case this article ends up in front of Hurley so he can ignore all the insults and focus on us agreeing his rule is divine.

Please don’t show up at my house, Daniel.










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Written by thelesterlee

Creator of Deadseriousness. Diehard Knicks, Yankees and Giants fan who wants to create a sports and pop culture space that isn't the same copy and pasted AI content you see everywhere else.


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