
Anthony Edwards Needs To Learn When It’s Time To Make A Phone Call

Every 6 months we are forced against our will to read psychotic Anthony Edwards abortion texts because he simply won’t make a phone call.

anthony edwards abortion

Growing up, I would have to downstairs to my family’s corded, landline phone to call my buddies—excited as hell to talk about the latest episode of Digimon. Y’all wasn’t outside when Patamon finally digivolved into Angemon.

By the time I got a cell phone in high school, you still couldn’t really text all day every day.

Phones came with limited minutes—meaning you’d be billed additional fees once you exceeded those so we still had to call each other by the end of the month when we texted too much.

Now, generations of humans don’t know what it’s like to be unable to text your endless thoughts, feelings and opinions to anyone at any time no matter when.

No one needs to learn how to make a phone call more than my guy, Anthony Edwards—star of the Anta Claus Sprite commercials they drowned us with around the holidays.

A year ago, text messages leaked between Ant and a woman he slept with in which he demanded she get an abortion and to make sure he knew the abortion took place, he demanded she “send da video”.

A new woman realized she could hit a lick off Anthony Edwards and now we have new leaked texts between 38-year-old Ayesha Howard—who previously built her first business off Lil Baby’s offspring, and 23-year Anthony Edwards—who is in a committed relationship while refusing to wear condoms when sleeping with women who are not his partner.

“Upon informing Anthony of the pregnancy, he blocked me on all communication platforms and made it clear, through text messages, that he did not want to be involved in the life of our child. His exact words were that our daughter would be a ‘fatherless child,’” she claimed in the docs.

“From that point on, Anthony never reached out to me to inquire about my well-being, the well-being of our child, or any of the needs I had during my pregnancy. I did not receive any support — emotional, financial, or otherwise — throughout the entire duration of my pregnancy.”

Howard, 38, also included alleged texts from Edwards, 23, to prove her claims.

In one screenshot, the mom of two wrote, “I’m pregnant… wanted to tell you in person but you gave me no other choice. We probably should have kept it cordial but we’re here now.” (Source)


anthony edwards

We’re sex-positive over here at Deadseriousness. We don’t kink shame. I don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum.

The last thing I want to do is tell women how to live their lives but we have to stop having unprotected men who won’t even spell out the word “the”.

So I’m going to focus on my problem with Anthony Edwards. I know you’re reading this Antalthough it may be a lot of words for you but we’re almost done.

You have to stop texting women who are having your children.

If you get a text from a girl who is not the girl sitting on the couch next to you, you need to like, go pretend to run to the store or something, get in your car and call her.

I can’t keep seeing your weird ass texts every 6 months as you laugh in women’s faces when they tell you they’re pregnant.

FaceTime or something, brother.

Don’t answer at all and have these women go through a representative.

But yo, you can’t keep texting “get da abortion”. They can easily screenshot these texts and will take all of your dollars from you.

I’m glad Ant has to play basketball with this guy now:

Anthony Edwards should have to play with Julius Randle for the rest of his career.








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