

Never expected to see Druski and Diddy in the same sentence but I DEFINITELY didn’t expect them to be in the same baby oil sentence. Ew.


Druski is the only social media comedian I genuinely find funny. I mean, I’m not entirely sure where his content is, like in full totality. I’ve only consumed his work in 60-second clips from other accounts BUT those 60-second clips were fun.

There are over ONE HUNDRED active lawsuits filed against Diddy right now and almost all of them involve sexual assault. Names have come in and out of this case at random like Meek Mill and Jay-Z, whose names have since been quietly ushered out the back door without any of us noticing but we have two new names as potential rape brothers with Puff Daddy…

What did Druski “allegedly” do with Diddy?

Parham first filed the lawsuit without naming Druski and Beckham in October. (She filed with two other anonymous plaintiffs who claim they were kidnapped by Diddy’s associates and forced to watch her assault.) Parham claimed she did not know Diddy before the assault, which she said took place at the apartment of Shane Pearce, an associate of Diddy.

She alleged Pearce “‘set her up’ to be assaulted by Diddy” after she previously told Pearce she believed Diddy was involved in the murder of Tupac Shakur. She accused Diddy of threatening her with a knife, attempting to have an IUD inserted in her, and penetrating her with a TV remote.

She then alleged she was raped by Pearce, Diddy, Druski, Beckham, and another associate of Diddy’s. Before Druski raped her, she claimed, he “jumped on top of Plaintiff’s naked and oiled body treating it like a slip and slide and knocking the wind out of Plaintiff due to his enormous size.” During the assault, according to the lawsuit, Diddy “made constant belittling remarks to Plaintiff including that he ‘owned her now.’” (Source)

Uh, so apparently this woman told someone she believed Diddy was responsible for the murder of Tupac and once Diddy heard this, he planned her kidnapping, pulled a knife out on her, tried to place an IUD inside of her, before penetrating her with a television remote.

Brutal shit.

Oh, and then Druski and Odell Beckham Jr showed up and took turns raping her.

Obviously, I wasn’t in that room, your honor, so I have no idea whether or not this happened.

I’m aware that sometimes lawyers advise their clients to throw out celebrity names to get more media coverage on their trials, but yea, some of what she describes sounds truly barbaric.

All I can focus on is this woman claiming that Druski jumped on this woman’s baby oil-ed up body and played on top of her like she was a slip and slide, knocking the wind out of her because of Druski’s “enormous size”.

From everything I’d seen and read about Diddy, including him kicking Cassie around a hotel and blowing up Kid Cudi’s car,—it would not shock me the slightest if he heard a woman was implicating him in a murder (he probably was involved with) and—since he’s already demonstrated his willingness to treat women as if they are inhuman—I could see Diddy and his friend setting her up and all the knife/TV remote shit happening.

Hashtag believe all women and sexual assault is never funny—but I have a hard time believing that once Diddy and his friend were done, suddenly Druski and Odell Beckham revealed themselves behind a curtain to partake in the rape.

Again, I wasn’t there and shit, it’s super possible these two men were at Diddy’s house and maybe did sleep with this woman without knowing that Diddy was a sociopath—keeping her there against her will.

It sounds like a lot of celebrities in Diddy’s orbit didn’t fully realize how demonic he could get.

Honestly, congrats to Druski for being famous enough to even be mentioned in this.

Do you understand how many “comedians” are busting their asses trying to come up and make names for themselves who would love to be famous enough to receive Diddy-adjacent allegations?

You haven’t made it until your name is dropped in a massive lawsuit for attention.

Here’s Druski’s response to these gross ass allegations:

“This allegation is a fabricated lie. I wasn’t a public figure in 2018 — I was broke living with my mom without any connections to the entertainment industry at the time of this allegation, so the inclusion of my name is truly outlandish.”

Again, I have no idea if this true but yea, I imagine it’s tough to get an invite to a Diddy party when you’re not popping like that in 2018.

Odell, however…👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️

I pray Druski was not slip and sliding on this woman, flattening her like a Looney Tune. I also pray that if he did, there is video evidence and everyone goes to prison.

You like, can’t gang rape women with Puff Daddy.





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Written by thelesterlee

Creator of Deadseriousness. Diehard Knicks, Yankees and Giants fan who wants to create a sports and pop culture space that isn't the same copy and pasted AI content you see everywhere else.


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