
It Is Sooooo Funny That Logan Paul Thinks He’s Banned From Egypt

Logan Paul got some bad news today: He is banned from Egypt. Or at least, that’s what Mr. Beast told him…

logan paul egypt

Logan Paul’s biggest claim to fame was posting a YouTube video where he went to a forest in Japan notorious for suicide and sort of made those lame YouTube thumbnail “O” faces as he stepped over suicide victims.

He’s not allowed back in Japan.


You can’t mock suicide victims for YouTube views.

Everyone knows Logan Paul is banned from Japan—including Mr. Beast who, when asked by Paul if he could come to Egypt with him, Mr. Beast told Logan that he’s banned from there as well.

“Mr Beast uploaded a new video exploring the Pyramids and I love the Pyramids so I was like ‘Jimmy can I come?’ He’s like, ‘for sure’. And then a week later he called me, ‘unfortunately the Egyptian government said that you can’t come otherwise we can’t come’. And I was like wait what, I know I pissed people off, but the Egyptian government? I’ve never even been to Egypt. ‘Why can’t I come to the Pyramids Jimmy’, he said, ‘I don’t know the government specifically said you are the only person that cannot come on this trip.’”

This is why I can’t hate Logan Paul.

As much as I feel silly watching him in wrestling rings with guys who have spent their entire adult lives scratching and clawing for the position Logan Paul was handed because he won some fake boxing matches—and as much as I hate how he just straight up looks like the mascot for white privilege—he wins me back over with stories like these.

Let’s start with something: Logan Paul isn’t banned from Egypt.

Mr. Beast just didn’t want to hang out with him.

Mr. Beast had a big Egypt trip planned.

Logan Paul attempted to tag along last minute and Mr. Beast was like “oh dang, I juuuuuust got a call from the president of Egypt, yea, he just called me. He said you’re banned. Sorry, bro. Next time, man. I got you” and Mr. Beast went about his life while Logan Paul went on YouTube upset that another country refuses to let him touch down.

I promise you, the Egyptian government doesn’t have wanted posters of Logan Paul nailed into all of the walls.

Shout out to Mr. Beast. I, too, would prefer not to spend time with Logan Paul. If Logan DMed me right now like “Yo, imma be in Long Island this weekend“, I’d be like “Yooo that’s crazy because the King of Long Island just called and said you’re not allowed here. Dang.”

I want to keep reiterating, I know not just being kind to Mr. Beast in fear of retaliation when he inevitably becomes the overlord of the Western Hemisphere and sends all detractors to help put out West Coast forest fires.






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