
Antonio Brown and Some Random Toilet Licking Pornstar Are Going To Destroy the Buccaneers

antonio brown Ava Louise

Last week, Antonio Brown was kicked off the Tampa Bay Buccaneers after stripping and running onto the field because he had a disagreement with the coaching staff.

I don’t have much to say about Brown’s meltdown. Antonio Brown has been investigated for beating and raping women. Fujck Antonio Brown being goofy and then attempting to re-center himself as the victim because he believes he was too injured to play and the staff was forcing him into a meaningless game against the Jets. Who cares?

BUT. you get my attention when you involve OnlyFans girls and taking Super Bowl rings away from Tom Brady.

antonio brown

Meet Ava Louise, a woman who is famous for trying to make a ‘coronavirus challenge’ go viral where you lick an airplane toilet.

It did not go viral.

Apparently this young, uh, entrepreneur spent Saturday night with Antonio Brown the night before he freaked out and left the Bucs. Here’s what she posted on Instagram after her night with AB:

antonio brown


Not only did AB sneak her into his hotel which is against Covid protocols but he brought in a superspreader that tested positive for the plague. The NFL playoffs start next weekend and this could have serious negative consequences especially considering their geriatric quarterback being exposed to a virus that feeds on the elderly.

The good news for the Bucs is Louise’s history of just randomly lying about shit. Her toilet licking video was fake. She started the rumor that Kanye West was banging Jeffree Star. She completely made it up and just let everyone believe it was fact.

I’m not saying that means she’s lying about this Covid test. If anything, I’m jealous of this woman’s ability to do the most needlessly mundane pranks and accidentally shift the internet discourse for weeks while still maintaining the credibility and clout to do it over and over again. Salute. Better than like, telemarketing for a living I reckon.

Good for AB sleeping with a girl who licks toilets for attention. These two sociopaths deserve each other. It’s safe to assume Covid isn’t the only virus they shared last weekend.






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