
Rachel Zegler is Making Me So Excited To See The New Snow White Live Action Remake

rachel zegler

Rachel Zegler is set to star in the new live-action remake of Snow White because Disney decided one day they will be re-making all of their classic animated movies so they can steal millions of dollars from a new generation of children raised by Disney adults.

Unfortunately for Disney, Rachel Zegler hates Snow White and cannot stop talking about her hate every time she’s in front of a microphone.


Always a good idea to accept a role knowing you despise the source material and will go on a press tour ripping apart the story you are starring in.

Surely, Snow White fans will be rushing to theatres across the nation to watch this girl reluctantly portray one of their favorite characters.

We don’t have to even think about the “anti-woke” crowd.

They weren’t seeing a Disney movie regardless. Disney is full of pedophiles or whatever it is those people’s baby brains get spoonfed. I imagine someone watched this same clip of Rachel going off on Snow White and there will be a report in a few months about the FBI raiding someone’s house because they were caught planning to kidnap that girl.

But if you’re a Disney fan and consider yourself fairly progressive enough then these Zegler comments are just annoying. We all know older stories weren’t super fair to women. This isn’t groundbreaking information she’s dropping in these interviews.

It’s as if Zegler cares more about making sure everyone knows how smart she is instead of understanding why it is people even like Snow White in the first place.

If people wanted a lessen in feminism, they’d go read Elizabeth Cody Stanton.

And the worst part of all is I don’t even think Zegler is properly depicting what feminism is. Feminism isn’t every woman becoming a leader or president or doctor. It’s allowing women to have the option to do so instead of being men’s property.

You can be a feminist and still enjoy simple love stories.

All you have to do to make Snow White more modern is give Snow White and Prince Charming like, a few more lines before she dies in the woods and he has to kiss her awake. Give them a cute little convo first. Problem solved. Snow White doesn’t need to reject relationships to solely focus on her career or whatever.

But all I know is I love Rachel Zegler turning literally everyone off from seeing this movie.

See, I’m a sicko. I see pretty much every movie and there is nothing I hate more than sitting in a crowded theatre rubbing shoulders with strangers and being self-conscious when I inevitably drop popcorn all over myself trying to fit too much in my mouth at once.

This movie is going to be MID—but so are all of the Disney live-action remakes. At least this time around, I’ll be sitting in an empty theatre for a peaceful movie experience without being paranoid, looking around thinking everyone knows I just hit my weed vape before I walked in.

It’ll be my most peaceful movie experience since Woody Allen’s last release.




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Written by thelesterlee

Creator of Deadseriousness. Diehard Knicks, Yankees and Giants fan who wants to create a sports and pop culture space that isn't the same copy and pasted AI content you see everywhere else.

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