
What Do You Do When You Find Your Lookalike? Murder Them and Fake Your Own Death, Of Course

Sharaban K. was unhappy with the way her life was going so she decided to do something about it. It happened to be murder but I get it.

Sharaban K

I think I once read a theory claiming everyone on Earth has a doppelganger somewhere because there are a finite amount of available genes. Or maybe that’s something I heard in a terrible movie with a very similar plot to what 23-year-old Sharaban K. is accused of doing.

Here’s what this woman woke up and decided to do one day:

This week, police charged Sharaban K. with murder, with prosecutors saying she trawled Instagram in a bid to find a victim who matched her physical appearance.

Khadidja O. had been brutally stabbed more than 50 times, with her body left on the back seat of Sharaban K.’s Mercedes. Sharaban K. and an accomplice — identified as her boyfriend Sheqir K.— subsequently went into hiding.

“It has been confirmed that the accused had contacted several women via Instagram before the act who seemed to look similar to her,” Attorney General Veronika Grieser told local publication, Bild. “It can be assumed that the suspect wanted to go into hiding, due to internal disputes with her family, and fake her own death.”

Who among us hasn’t wished they could disappear for a while? Who hasn’t sat down and thought about faking their own death to get out of going to work the next day or from having to call and re-up your car insurance? Life sucks. I get it.

I had a seizure recently and I am dreading all of the phone calls I need to make to get health insurance and then find a primary care doctor before I can go see a neurologist just so they can all say “Hey, have you considered drinking more water and taking daily vitamins”. Life is annoying.

Sharaban K. was tired of daydreaming about a better life and decided to do something about it.

So naturally, she logged into Instagram and searched for women who looked like her in order to murder them and make it seem like she was the actual victim of the murder so she could start her new life.

I was prepared to applaud this woman for going out there and following through on her plans but like, you can’t stab someone 50 times. That’s an absurd amount of stabs, right?

Sharaban K. and her boyfriend weren’t trying to escape family drama back at home. They ARE the family drama back home.

Everyone, please be careful going forward.

If you get a message request from someone who eerily looks like you, just go ahead and ignore it. No one who actively wants to meet their doppelganger is doing well mentally. They’re either going to stab you 50 times or make you do the most annoying TikTok dances for their 200 followers. The only two outcomes.

(If you get a message request from Deshaun Watson, he does NOT want to help grow your massage therapy business)

Sharaban K

Also real quick, these women don’t look that much alike for the police to think Sharaban K was the dead body but this is Germany so shrug. Every girl who does the 2019 Kylie Jenner look is the same over there.

The good news for her is that she will get the opportunity to miss work tomorrow. And for the rest of her life. She won.





Do you think Sharaban K. maybe should’ve stabbed her like, 49 fewer times?  Leave a comment below. Respond on TwitterFacebook or Instagram. Or shoot me an email at Let’s chat, bay-beeeee. Let me know if you’re my doppelganger so I can avoid ever being in the same room as you.


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